史蒂文·迪克斯, 澳门足彩app集团首席电气工程师和设计经理, 和他妻子合照, 斯蒂芬·戴尔, 还有他们的狗, Tuk或. 斯蒂芬经营着家族的生意, 去Tuk’, which operates a fleet of electrically powered tuk tuks giving tours and providing transportation and event services in Jacksonville, 佛罗里达.



史蒂文·迪克斯 took a circuitous route to his role as 澳门足彩app Group Lead 电 Engineer, 他打破常规的工作方式使他成功.


As a former journeyman and bartender, 史蒂文·迪克斯 is far from your average electrical engineer. 当杰克逊维尔, 佛罗里达, native started his long and winding journey to becoming 澳门足彩app集团首席电气工程师和设计经理, 他不知道这条路会把他带到哪里.

“我本来应该高中一毕业就上大学的, 但我女朋友比我晚了一年, 所以我说服父母让我等她,好让她赶上来,迪克斯说. “他们说我必须做点什么, 我对电有感觉,因为我上过电工课, 所以我说, 好吧, 我要参加学徒计划.”

The relationship with his girlfriend didn’t last, but Dix found a new love in his work. 他继续参加这个项目,成为一名熟练的电工. 他很快发现,没有一个里程碑是足够的.

“我的目标很明确. 它总是关于下一步是什么,”迪克斯说. “在我拿到熟练工执照之后, 我必须拿到硕士执照, 之后就是承包商的执照了, 然后我问, “下一个是什么?这是工程学.”

By the time he started working on his bachelor’s degree at the University of North 佛罗里达, 迪克斯三十出头. Yet despite his nontraditional route to college, he found it an easy transition.

“这与每天在野外工作有点不同,他说, 但我的数学和科学成绩很好.”

Class kept Dix busy, but the books weren’t the only thing on his mind. He still needed to support himself financially, so he started working as a bartender. “从10点到2点,这家舞蹈俱乐部都挤满了人. 我从星期二、星期四、星期五和星期六开始. 星期二过得很快, and eventually Thursday had to go because it was hard to get back to school on Friday.”

The extra work was a grind, but it had an unintended positive consequence. “I was hanging out with nerds like me in the daytime and partiers at night, 所以我不得不考虑我的社交技巧.“这种适应在未来几年将是有用的.


Dix’s approach to his role can be as unconventional as his career path, 这让他与众不同, 大卫·科德说, 建筑与工程(AE)运营副总裁.

“Steven’s not scared to get outside of his comfort zone,Kode说. “Typical electrical folks and engineers, they like to work on just the electrical. 他跳起来说:“我想成为一名设计经理. 我想支持预算. 我想全身心地投入其中. That’s something that Chris Flagg (AE Group Operations Principal) and I recognize as something he does very well.”

The combination of technical expertise and the people skills he developed in college – with scholars by day and bargoers by night – make him an engaging and trusted leader, Kode说.

“他做得很好,”他说. “当他讲话时,人们都在倾听并做笔记. 然后是领导能力, he does an excellent job working with team members on their careers and getting proper training.”


Dix wears numerous hats in his professional role, and he took on another during the holidays. The AE Facilities teams at 澳门足彩app’s Jacksonville headquarters held a holiday decorating contest among the design disciplines. 这么说吧,竞争非常激烈.

“我们的电气组是比赛的获胜者之一,Kode说, “and the reason was that Dix dressed up as Santa Claus and grew a full real beard and handed out gifts, 给所有队员热可可和蛋酒.”

Kode keeps a memento of the event: a million-dollar novelty check that Dix handed him as a gag gift at the party. “我们开内部会议时开的玩笑是,‘嘿,伙计! 我想去兑现你的支票,但支票被退票了!’”

支票可能还没有兑现, but Kode says he found the whole performance nonetheless heartwarming. “这只是你带孩子去的地方. 当你看到这种体贴的态度时,你会融化的. 现在他又有了新外号. 我们刚开始叫他圣诞老人.”

澳门足彩app正在招聘! 探索许多可用的选项 加入一个欢迎聪明才智的成长型公司, 有才华的人,提供了闪耀的自由.

问史蒂文·迪克斯 5个问题


It started in ninth grade when I built a radio in electronics shop class and thought that was really cool what you could do with electrical circuits.


哥斯达黎加的诺萨拉. 爱的人和始终如一的浪花.

Complete this sentence: I couldn’t make it through the week without …

海滩/海洋. 我每天带着我的狗在海滩上开始. In the summertime with sunrise occurring earlier I get some water time in as well.


爸爸妈妈. 妈妈的职业道德, she had a 10th-grade education and worked her way up the ladder in banking field and was still able to take care of us growing up.  我的父亲,因为他是这样一个人,从来没有见过一个陌生人. 他在商业上也很成功.


喜欢集成的项目交付方法. Being able to collaborate with Team Members from 设计 and 建设 is amazing.


澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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